Art NewsGetting to Know Contemporary Dance

Art NewsGetting to Know Contemporary Dance

Have you ever wondered where, when, who and how contemporary dance arrived in our country, namely Indonesia? And is contemporary a traditional or modern art? Or even include both? Let's look back at Contemporary Dance.

1. What is Contemporary Dance?

In general, contemporary according to the Great Dictionary Indonesian has the meaning "at the same time, at any time, at present, present". But in the point of view of contemporary art, it has a contemporary meaning.

Lampah Solah Contemporary Dance

Contemporary dance is a genre of concert dance that uses systems and methods found in modern dance and postmodern dance as well as classical ballet. Contemporary dance itself has no rules, in general, contemporary dance includes more elements of tradition and mixed with modern elements without losing the soul that exists in traditional dance.

However, contemporary dance also cannot be considered as a completely traditional dance, this is because it has elements of modern dance in it that are designated through the movements and accompaniment of the musical instruments used, so that contemporary dance can adjust to the trends that exist today.

2. The History of Contemporary Dance in Indonesia

Contemporary dance performance in France

The history of the development of contemporary dance is marked by young choreographers who began to mix with modern dance from the West. It started with Seti Arti Kailola, Bagong Kussudiardja, and Wisnu Wardhana who had studied the technique of Martha Graham. The three of them are designated as pioneers of contemporary dance as well as modern dance in Indonesia.

The contemporary dance is believed to be disseminated by several Indonesian dance maestros, namely:

  1. Sardono W Kusumo

Sardono W Kusumo is an Indonesian contemporary dance figure who creates various works of contemporary dance in Indonesia. The man who was born in Solo, March 6, 1945, has produced many dance works in his life, one of which is the Cak Rina dance which was successfully performed by artists who managed to work in the international arena through a contemporary approach

  1. Martinus Miroto

Martinus Miroto is a leading contemporary dance artist in the Yogyakarta area, through the establishment of Banjarmili studio which eventually led to the establishment of the Bedog Art Festival, Miroto participated in efforts to revive the passion for art in Yogyakarta, Indonesia and abroad both formally and informally.

  1. Characteristics of Contemporary Dance

In contemporary dance there are several features in it. Some of the characteristics that exist in contemporary dance are:

  • Freer movement

Movements in contemporary dance are not bound by the rules that exist in traditional dance.

  • Free dance themesA 

contemporary dance artist can freely determine what theme he wants to be an entirely new form of dance movement.

  • Free rhythm pattern

Contemporary dance has no rules against the music used. The rhythm and music will be adjusted to the storyline that is being raised. This is done in order to create an atmosphere that is in accordance with the concept

  • Able to show personal expression

 In contemporary dance, dancers are more able to show their personal expression. The personal expression shown by the dancer has no collective nature.

  • Basic concepts relate to humanitarian issues In contemporary dance, it will usually use concepts or story scripts that must relate to human problems that occur today.

  1. The Purpose of Contemporary Dance

In each type of dance always has its own purpose. This also applies to contemporary dance. Some of the objectives of contemporary dance are:

  • As a medium of entertainment 

In contemporary dance does not use rituals or ceremonies in it. That means contemporary is purely for entertainment.

  • As a medium of communication 

Every contemporary dance can be used as a communication medium to convey messages, criticism, social, policy ideas to introduce a product to the community..

  • Artistic 

Contemporary dance will be useful as a medium to express the emotions of the artists through every dance movement that exists. That way contemporary dance artists can express their artist's soul by presenting a variety of artistic dance works.

  1. Types of Contemporary Dance in the Archipelago

Contemporary expressions certainly have characteristics that highlight innovation. Here are some types of contemporary dance that have innovated:

i. Yapong Dance

Yapong dance from Jakarta created by Bagong Kussudiardja is one example of a type of contemporary dance. Yapong dance can be performed by two dancers or in groups in a performance.

ii. Urip Urub Dance

Urip Urub dance originated from Java which is also an example of contemporary dance. Where the Urip Urub dance tells about human life which illustrates if humans must have high enthusiasm in facing every problem of life even though it is quite complicated though.

iii. Cak Rina Dance

Cak Rina dance is a contemporary dance from Bali by Sardono W. Kusumo that describes the meeting between Sugriwa and Subali in the Ramayana story.
