Denpasar, July 25, 2023 The Student Executive Board of Udayana University held an audience with Prof. Ir. Ngakan Putu Gede Suardana, M.T., Ph.D., IPU as Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Udayana University and I Made Budiastrawan, S.Kom., MM as Sub-Coordinator of Reasoning, Information &; Student Affairs of Udayana University regarding the delivery of a series of plans from the Student Executive Board of Udayana University in escorting the existence of ORMAWA within Udayana University, Including plans regarding regeneration within the student organization. In addition, there were other discussions such as conveying aspirations for the formation and sustainability of Student Activity Units (UKM) within Udayana University, evaluation and plans for updating the Rector's Regulation (PERTOR) related to student participation units in ORMAWA activities.

This audience was attended by the Chairman of the Student Executive Board of Udayana University, the Coordinator for Interests, Talents and Achievements of the Student Executive Board of Udayana University, the Head of the Youth and Sports Department, the Head of the Department of Arts and Creativity, and the Head of the Department of Research, Reasoning, and Science of the Executive Board of Udayana University located at the Postgraduate Building of Udayana University, Sudirman Campus, Denpasar.


During the discussion forum, the Chairman of the Student Executive Board accompanied by the Coordinator for Interests, Talents and Achievements of the Student Executive Board of Udayana University, the Head of the Youth and Sports Department, the Head of the Department of Arts and Creativity, and the Head of the Department of Research, Reasoning, and Science of the Executive Board of Udayana University conveyed several aspirations and plans arranged in the following results:

1. The Student Executive Board conveys plans for the formation of several sports communities which will later be accompanied and facilitated in carrying out activities, and will later be directed to be used as Student Activity Units (UKM) at the University level.

2. Submission related to the regeneration plan shown to the Student Executive Board and Student Activity Unit (UKM) through a series of new student admissions at Udayana University 2023. The regeneration includes the UKM Expo plan, Assignment About Knowledge about SMEs, Student Organization Internships, and the Granting of Student Organization Internship Certificates with the official signature of the Vice Rector for Student Affairs of Udayana University.

3. Delivery of aspirations from Student Activity Units (UKM) related to facilities, infrastructure, and access in developing interests & talents so that they can be facilitated properly.

4. Plan to organize the "NATIONAL BIG EVENT" work program under the auspices of the Student Executive Board, such as; Udayana Art Festival 2023, Udayana Film Festival 2.0, Udayana Band Competition, Udayana E-sport League, and others.

5. Plan to escort the establishment or construction of the Udayana University Sport Center.

6. Maintenance and renovation of the Student Center Building located on the Sudirman campus.

7. Rationalization of SKP and application plan for renewal of the 2023 Rector's Regulation (PERTOR).