Since 1994, the United Nations has declared June 17 as The World Day to Combat Desertification and Drought through UN General Assembly Resolution A/RES/49/115. This declaration is very important to raise awareness of the world community on the dangers of land degradation for human survival. Jean-Jacques Rousseau said that "Nature has made man happy and good, but society harmed him and made him miserable". 

Land degradation is the process of decreasing land productivity, both temporary and permanent. Degraded land in other definitions is often referred to as unproductive land, critical land, or sleeping land that is left abandoned uncultivated and generally overgrown with shrubs. Drought is a condition where an area, land, or community experiences a lack of water so that it cannot meet its needs. Drought is caused because an area does not experience rain or drought for a long period of time, so that the water content in the soil is reduced or even absent.

The causes of land degradation and drought, namely: 1). Erosion is an event of moving soil or part of land from one place to another by natural media, such as wind and water. Erosion can cause a decrease in soil productivity, soil carrying capacity, and environmental quality. 2). Mining business, negative impacts of mining such as irregular damage to the former mining surface, loss of fertile soil layer, and residual extraction that will affect soil reactions or soil composition. 3). Excessive use of pesticides over a long period of time also has an impact on the life and existence of natural enemies of pests and diseases, as well as the life of soil biota. This then becomes the cause of land degradation and drought, soil biota, and explosion of pests and diseases. 4). Industrial pollution, industrial activities can cause pollution and damage to the agricultural environment. Industrial activities and waste in the form of exhaust gases such as sulfur dioxide (SO2) will cause acid rain and can damage agricultural land.

Land degradation and drought have impacts on human life both directly and indirectly. Some of the impacts of land degradation and drought such as reduced soil fertility and can become barren soil, decreased agricultural output due to decreased fertility so that efforts are needed to restore soil fertility, limited growing crops and reduced groundwater sources due to deforested forests.

To avoid the impact of land degradation and drought, namely: 1). Save water, saving water will keep water reserves from depleting, so it does not There is a shortage of water in the dry season. 2). Planting and caring for plants naturally, can minimize the occurrence of land degradation because the quality of the soil is maintained without chemicals. 3). Conserving forests, flora, and fauna, can prevent floods, erosion, landslides, plant droughts, and improve clean air quality. 4). If waste is disposed of in its place, the pollution of the soil will be reduced, thereby reducing the occurrence of land degradation.



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Admin. (2017). Tips Singkat Mengatasi Degradasi Lahan. Terdapat di: diakses pada 25 Mei 2023
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Admin. Kekeringan. Terdapat di: diakses pada 25 Mei 2023
Iqbal, Muhammad. (2022). 10+ Penyebab Degradasi Lahan di Indonesia. Terdapat di: diakses pada 25 Mei 2023