Press Release: Udayana Film Festival 2.0

Press Release: Udayana Film Festival 2.0

The Student Executive Board of Udayana University through the Department of Art and Creativity has successfully held the Udayana Film Festival 2.0 which carries the theme SEMESTA: Harmony to Preserve the Nature of the Archipelago. Udayana Film Festival 2.0 will be held for 3 days, from 22 to 24 September 2023 at Dharma Negara Alaya Building and Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University. The existence of this activity aims to provide a forum for students and students to channel their interests and talents in the fields of film, photography, and videography.

In its second year, Udayana Film Festival presents 5 competition categories that can be participated by students throughout Indonesia, including Documentary, Vog, Short Fiction Film, Color Photography, and Black and White Photography. Not only competitions, Udayana Film Festival 2.0 also presents various other interesting activities, such as Talk shows, Workshops, Work Exhibitions, Film Screenings, and also National Seminars.

The first day and second day of Udayana Film Festival 2.0 were held at Dharma Negara Alaya Building, Denpasar. That day, there was a workshop and also a talk show that presented speakers who were experts in their fields, such as Bli Gung Yudha, Desy Trisna Dewi, Gusti Aryadi, Maria Eucharist, Medy Mahasena, and Rai Pendet. Not only that, there are also exhibitions  and film screenings that display the work of Udayana Film Festival 2.0 participants which of course can be visited and watched by the general public.

The enthusiasm of the participants also increased on the third day, where there was a National Seminar that presented Yudistira Ardana, Gede Lila, and Gus Hari Kayana as speakers. The event on the third day was attended by approximately 100 participants whose implementation was divided into via Zoom Meeting and offline at the Widya Sabha Mandala Auditorium, Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University. The excitement on the third day was even more pronounced during Awarding Day, where the winners of various categories of the Udayana Film Festival 2.0 competition were announced.

With the holding of the Udayana Film Festival 2.0 activity, it is hoped that the Department of Arts and Creativity can continue to maintain its existence in accommodating the interests and talents of students and students in the fields of film, photography, and videography so that students and students out there are not confused looking for a place to be creative and produce works.

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