UDAYANA PKM CENTER 2023 Competition

UDAYANA PKM CENTER 2023 Competition


DENPASAR – The Department of Research, Reasoning, and Science of BEM Udayana University held a work program for the Udayana PKM Center Competition with the theme "Develop Creativity And Innovation To Build A Golden Generation" on Saturday and Sunday, September 16 and 17, 2023 at the Hall of the Postgraduate Building of Udayana University, West Denpasar District, Denpasar City, Bali. The event was opened in the hall and then continued to the classroom on the 2nd floor with 48 teams consisting of approximately 200 active students of Udayana University. The event was attended by the Head of the Center for Creativity and Student Achievement of Udayana University, the Head of BEM Udayana University, PKM Coordinators in 13 faculties, the jury, and representatives of DPM PM supervision of Udayana University. The purpose of holding this activity is to hone the proposals that have been made through competitions by presenting the presentation of proposals that have been made and improving the competitive spirit of students in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) to all active students of Udayana University.

The holding of this activity is to hone the proposals that have been made through competitions by presenting the proposals that have been made and improving the competitive spirit of students in the Student Creativity Program (PKM) to all active students of Udayana University. The 2023 PKM Center Udayana Competition activity opened with a countdown video broadcast followed by the Sekar Jagat Dance. After that, the series of events continued with prayer readings, singing the song Indonesia Raya and Hymn Udayana, as well as a report by the Chairman of the PKM Center Udayana Competition Committee, Ambrosius Tedmond Binafshi. Then followed by remarks by two parties. The first speech came from the Chairman of BEM Udayana University, I Putu Bagus Padmanegara. He raised and reiterated that the implementation of this competition is a means and facility presented by the university to re-sharpen, criticize, and evaluate the ideas contained in the PKM proposal for the creation of Udayana dan Indonesia yang kreatif dan inovatif. Sambutan terakhir datang dari Bapak Dr. Drs. I Wayan Santiyasa M.Si. as Head of the Center for Student Creativity and Achievement of Udayana University.

He expressed his gratitude to BEM Udayana University for organizing the Udayana PKM Center Competition and expressed hope that the activity would bring benefits as a form of practicing the Tri Dharma PTN, namely by implementing the Student Creativity Program (PKM). The activity was officially opened by Mr. Dr. Drs. I Wayan Santiyasa M.Si. marked by symbolic beating of the gong 3 times. The activity continued with an explanation of mobilization techniques to the competition implementation room by the MC. After all participants entered their respective rooms according to the PKM field, the moderator in each room opened the activity and read the CVs of the judges who had been present in the room. Furthermore, the activity was fully handed over to the finalists to make a PKM proposal presentation which was included with questions and answers by the jury to the group. After the question and answer session ended, each jury assessed each group to determine the number of points from each team in all PKM fields contested.

 All participants who have finished carrying out the Competition activities return to the hall to attend the closing. Before the closing series was held, the MC informally guided the participants to convey their impressions and messages during this activity. The last series was closed by one of the lecturers as well as Secretary of the Reasoning and Creativity Unit of Udayana University, Mr. I Putu tedy Indrayana S.pd., M.Sc. by symbolically hitting the gong 3 times to mark the PKM Center Udayana Competition activities were officially closed.